Helichrysum and Copaiba
Hey Mama, I’m here to talk about 2 of my favorite oils, well they are my favorite oils this week, because they do change. I want to talk about Copaiba and helichrysum. And you are wondering those are her two favorite oils…? Yes, they are this week. Friday my husband and I went out on…
Read MorePreeclampsia Signs and Symptoms
Let’s have a serious chat about preeclampsia. This is a conversation that I have with my clients in the beginning of the second trimester. Preeclampsia is a complication that can develop in pregnancy. It usually begins after 20 weeks in women whose blood pressure has been normal, but suddenly spikes. Left untreated, it can lead…
Read MorePart 2 Labor Stimulation
Hey Mama, this is part two of my labor stimulation series. If you haven’t watched part one go back and watch it, this will make a lot more sense if you already have watched it. Sometimes your body just needs a little nudge to push you into labor. Like we talked about yesterday, curb walking…
Read MorePart 1 Natural Labor Stimulation
Hey Mama, have you heard of curb walking to bring on labor before? Have you been doing a lot of walking this week while waiting to go into labor? The question is can you really use curb walking to induce labor? Honestly the answer is not a clear yes or no, it’s more of a…
Read MoreKeep Your Power
Hey Mama, let’s talk about how amazing you are! Do not turn your power over to your provider, you are the best advocate for you and your baby. Imagine you are in an appointment or even labor an you are confronted with a decision of some kind like gestational diabetes screening, prenatal rhGAMo, non stress…
Read MoreAtmosphere for Birth
I’m all about creating an atmosphere that supports you in your perfect birth. Here are a few ways that you can create a space where you can totally relax and just go into labor land. Music is super important, so get yourself a good pair of noise canceling headphones and put together your favorite relaxing…
Read MoreBalance Your Estrogen
Hey Mama, did you know that night sweats and hot flashes are an indication of an imbalance of estrogen. Phytoestrogen is not an estrogen supplement, its job is to clear out all of that excess estrogen that happens when hormone receptors are blocked by endocrine disruptors. We end up with way too much estrogen in…
Read MoreClose Your Rings
Anyone else out there looking for ways to move and close your circle when it’s cold outside? I never thought I would be a VR fan, but here I am. We play Beatsaber and Walkabout Golf is a blast. We play that with our kids out in Georgia and so it’s like we’re right here…
Read MorePostpartum Depression
Hey Mama, let’s talk about postpartum for a minute. I get it, the first few weeks after having a baby can be rough and super emotional. While your friends and family just assume that you’re doing great and enjoying your new mom life. What’s really going on is overwhelming feelings and unexplainable emotions. A conversation…
Read MoreEssential Oils for Kids
Hey Mama, this kids kit makes me giddy! These are perfect to use on the home front when your little ones need it. Put it on your little one’s feet to help calm. Especially when you are welcoming a new baby and you have older siblings that are bringing germs in. Yes, they are safe…
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