Birth Ball
Hey Mama, let’s talk about a birth ball, yoga ball, or exercise ball, or whatever else you call it. Have you heard of using it as a birth ball? As a midwife I highly encourage all my moms to get one of these, they have so many benefits, such as relieving lower back pain, it encourages your baby to be in the optimal fetal position and it can increase blood flow in your uterus. They’re especially good for soothing a baby who has her nights and days mixed up. However, many women can buy the wrong size and sit in the wrong position and this negates any benefits that you’re trying to achieve. I know it sounds a bit ridiculous, how can someone sit on a big inflated ball incorrectly. Well there is a good and a bad way to sit on it. You want to sit squarely in the middle of the ball and you want your legs as wide as needed to accommodate your bump, but not too far, not too wide. With your feet planted firmly on the floor and you want to make sure that your nips are parallel with just slightly above your knees. If your knees are up near your chin then that ball is way too small or not inflated enough. The standard rule for sizing is if you’re 5’8″ or smaller you will want to get a 65cm ball. If you are 5’9″ or taller then you want to go with the 75cm ball. An incorrect seating position can narrow your pelvic inlet and therefore can prevent your baby from actually adopting a great position for birth. It can also encourage poor posture in the seated position and exasperate any existing back discomfort that you have. You can use your birth ball at any point in pregnancy and if you are still working from home then grab one of these and ditch the office or dining room chair. You will thank me for it. Ours is a piece of furniture, we use it everyday, it also makes a really great foot rest. Low back discomfort, essential oils that might be helpful are Black Pepper and Copaiba. Dilute with a carrier oil. So go get your birth ball and make an oil blend!